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Pace Pilates Plymouth Affiliations


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Ros APPI Certificate Pace Pilates Plymouth
Ros APPI Certificate Pace Pilates Plymouth
Ros Pilates for Osteoporosis Pace Pilates Plymouth
Ros Chartered Society of Phsiotherapy
Ros Bachelor of Science Pace Pilates

Ros' qualifications;

Ros is a Chartered Physiotherapist with a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy from The University of Plymouth.


Ros specialises in Pilates and has achieved the highest certification in Physiotherapy Pilates; Matwork Level 3 with the Premier Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI). Ros is also currently working as an NHS Physiotherapist on the frontline in the pandemic.


Ros’ other qualifications include: BA (Hons) in Dance, HFE Pilates instructor Qualification Level 3, Osteoporosis and Pilates Certification, Dance and Pilates Certification, Pilates for Cyclists Certification, Exercise to Music Instructor Level 2 Certified and Ros is certified in Sports Massage (VCTC), Certificate in Endometriosis and Pilates.



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